#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# @Time : 2017/11/24 0:27# @Author : lijunjiang# @File : delete.pyimport MySQLdbselect_sql = ''' SELECT TID FROM ( ( SELECT Score.CouID, Course.TID, Teacher.TName, COUNT(Course.TID) as teacher_count FROM Score JOIN Course ON Score.CouID = Course.CouID and Score.Grade < 60 JOIN Teacher ON Course.TID = Teacher.TID GROUP BY Course.TID ORDER by teacher_count DESC LIMIT 5 ) as teacher_tid )'''delete_sql = ''' delete from Teacher where TID in ( SELECT TID FROM ( ( SELECT Score.CouID, Course.TID, Teacher.TName, COUNT(Course.TID) as teacher_count FROM Score JOIN Course ON Score.CouID = Course.CouID and Score.Grade < 60 JOIN Teacher ON Course.TID = Teacher.TID GROUP BY Course.TID ORDER by teacher_count DESC LIMIT 5 ) as teacher_tid ) )'''def connect_mysql(): info_mysql = { 'host': '', 'port': 3306, 'db': 'python', # 'charset':'utf8', 'user': 'python', 'passwd': 'python' } try: cnx = MySQLdb.connect(**info_mysql) except Exception as err: raise err return cnxif __name__ == '__main__': cnx = connect_mysql() try: cus = cnx.cursor() cus.execute(select_sql) result = cus.fetchall() print(result) cus.execute(delete_sql) cus.execute(select_sql) result1 = cus.fetchall() print(result1) cus.close() cnx.commit() except Exception as err: cnx.rollback() raise err finally: cnx.close()
C:\Python27\python.exe D:/Python/Mysql/delete.py((10L,), (4L,), (3L,), (1L,), (9L,))((8L,), (7L,), (5L,), (6L,))Process finished with exit code 0